Let me introduce you to our new contributor -my friend & brother Ockword Productions...

Let me introduce you to my friend & brother Ockword Productions...

Brother Gaskins -aka Ockword Productions - & I are long time friends & supporters of each others' work. We share many of the same values, interests & hobbies. Including (but not limited to) (LOL) Music production, music education, Hip Hop (music & culture) (especially classic/ old school / boom bap), self-awareness/ education/ development/ improvement, continuing education (both mental & spiritual).... the list could get very long.

Understand Fam, he is an All around Great Guy - and I am happy to finally announce him as a collaborator & contributor to QVibeSamples. Be on the look out for many gems & contributions from Brother Gaskins! 

Follow Ockword Productions on instagram - 


Glad you are here Fam!

Check out his first offering "Undertow"  



Until I talk to you next time... "Remember to treat all your people really well, because life is short..." Have a good one!
